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There are 5 things about the sky you can customize:
1) the colour of the sky's top shades
2) the colour of the sky's bottom shades
3) the colour and material of the sun/moon
4) the colour of the ambient lighting
5) the colour of the clouds


..and 4 states of the day:

1) dawn skymaker2_1
2) day


3) dusk


4) night skymaker2_4

Let's say we want to make a special sky, where it's all red during sunrise, orange throughout the day, purple during sunset, and all black at night.

We start with the dawn's colours:
For the top part of the sky,

1) Click "Dawn (Top)"
2) Slide the colours to get what you want


For the bottom part of the sky,
1) Click "Dawn (Top)"
2) Slide the colours to get what you want


For the sun's colour,
1) Click "Sunrise"
2) Look for the sun so you can see what you're changing
3) Slide the colours to get what you want


For the ambient lighting,
1) Click "Dawn Light"
2) Look for something on the map that is affected by lighting. The ground is a good example.
3) Slide the colours to get what you want


For the clouds' colour,
1) Click "Dawn Clouds"
2) Look for the clouds
3) Slide the colours to get what you want


And we're done with the dawn's colours! It is all pretty and red!
The rest are exactly the same steps, so here's a summary for Day, Dusk and Night.

Orange day! skymaker4
Purple dusk! skymaker5
Black night! skymaker6

And we're finished! Now just to save and test your sky:
1) Under "File Name" enter your sky's name. Try not to use weird symbols.
2) Click Save.
3) After saving, your sky's name should appear under the list of skies you can load from.
4) Test your sky! You can watch how the sky changes colours throughout the day and night.


Finally, using your sky in your map is as easy as entering the sky's name in Map Maker:


Now go paint your own sky! :D


Game Controls
Basic Controls
In-Game Menus
Chat Box Toggle
Map Toggle
Info and Bio
Actions and Emotes
Character Creation
IV + V
Preset Making
Preset Tutorial
Getting A Preset In-Game
Map Making
Height Maps
Terrain Masks
Getting Maps In-Game
Adding Objects
Sky Maker
Object Making
Making Objects